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The round mirror: a must-have for our interiors

The round mirror: a must-have for our interiors | Decoclico

Because it's right on trend, visually enlarges space and decorates our walls with style, the round mirror has conquered the world of decor and our interiors. In fact, the XXL round mirror is a timeless, resolutely designer piece that we absolutely must have. Proof in 3.

1/ It lets the light in

This is THE advice from all architects: install a mirror (on the floor or on the wall) to let in more light. And if it's in front of a window, it's even brighter, since the mirror reflects natural light. Be careful not to turn your home into an ice palace by multiplying round mirrors in every corner of the house. Like all good things, you need to know how to measure up!

2/ It enlarges space

Yes, because they reflect light and open up new perspectives, round mirrors (and mirrors in all their forms) give the impression of enlarging space. This is one of the reasons why mirrors are so popular in small spaces, even doubling the width of a room. Of course, since it energizes a room by adding a touch of extra luminosity.

3/ Wall coverings

A decorative element par excellence, the round mirror is equally at home in the entrance hall or the master bedroom. For a glamorous touch, opt for a round mirror in brass, or for a more modern version, try a round mirror in black metal. In a completely different register, the round rattan or bamboo mirror is a big hit. We particularly like its rounded, practical shape, which complements all interior styles. Because anything round is cute!

> Discover all our round mirrors here


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