The really good idea An assortment of 7 frames and mirrors, a novelty inspired by the great trend for personalized walls with an accumulation of frames, in all styles and formats. Mirrors as golden as the sun or convex as a witch's tale. You'll love this ready-made assortment: all you have to do is insert your most beautiful photos, or wallpaper, dried flowers or old postcards, as your imagination takes you
4 frames in different shapes and finishes, 3 sunburst or convex mirrors.
You can imagine them in a baroque version, as here, fixed to a wall covered with William Morris wallpaper, or in a more sober option, scattered across a plain white or colored wall. Like it?
The Manderley collection refers to the decorative accessories of the last century, combining frames and mirrors with a dantanic look, from the trumeau mirror with its beaded frieze, to the baroque frame, via the sunburst mirror. Decorative accessories with moldings and finishes as if weathered by time, in depoque hues. By here to discover